How to sign a national gaurd contract

Civilian to National Guard Special Forces

US Army 18X Contract

Civilians who want to become a Green Beret in the National Guard should sign an 18X contract, which guarantees the candidate a shot at Special Forces training after completion of Infantry Basic Training (22 weeks), Airborne School (3 weeks), and the Special Forces Preparation Course (6 weeks).

Green Beret Requirements

Physical Requirements

Special Forces training is incredibly demanding and candidates should be able to max out the APFT on a bad day.

To advance from the Special Forces Preparation Course (SFPC) to Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS), the 18X candidate must meet the minimum standards on the Army Physical Fitness Test, pull ups, 5 mile run, and 12 mile ruck march with 65lbs.

Minimum Scores:
Push Up – 57
Sit Up – 66
2 Mile Run – 14:24
Pull Up – 6
5 Mile Run – 40 minutes
12 Mile Ruck w/55lbs – 3 hours (15 minute mile pace)

Top candidates will have the following fitness scores:
Push Up – 80
Sit up – 80
2 Mile Run – 12:30
Pull Up – 20
5 Mile Run- 35 minutes
12 Mile Ruck w/55lbs – 2 hours 36 minutes (13 minute mile pace)

US Army Special Forces Readiness Evaluation (SFRE)

Prior to signing an 18X contract to become a Green Beret, the candidate will have to complete an SFRE with 19th or 20th Special Forces Group. SFRE differs based on the unit, but it is typically a 3-day event including a modified APFT with rucking and a simulated day of selection.

Initial Training Pipeline

Infantry OSUT
22 weeks – Fort Benning, GA

Basic Training and Infantry School are combined into One Station Unit Training (OSUT).
Candidates learn squad/platoon infantry tactics, map reading and navigation, communications, and weapon operations and maintenance, all while participating in an intense physical fitness program.

Airborne School
3 weeks – Fort Benning, GA

At Airborne School, candidates will spend 3 weeks learning how to safely exit an aircraft for rapid insertion onto the battlefield.
Week 1 – Ground Week
Week 2 – Tower Week
Week 3 – Jump Week

SF Preparation Course
6 weeks – Fort Bragg, NC

The Special Forces Preparation Course (SOPC) is a six week crash course to build fitness and teach land navigation prior to Special Forces Assessment and Selection (SFAS).

3 weeks – Fort Bragg, NC

Special Forces candidates are pushed mentally and physically and assessed on intelligence, physical fitness, motivation, trainability, judgment, and influence. Surviving the 21 day selection course is not enough -a candidate must be selected to continue to the SF Qualification Course.

Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC)

Intro to Unconventional Warfare
6 Weeks

– SF Culture
– Introduction to Unconventional Warfare (UW)
– SF Principle Tasks & Mission Command
– Land Navigation
– SF History
– Adaptive Leader Methodology
– Method of Instruction
– Wellness Screening and Assessment
– Family Programs
– ARSOF Core Attributes

13 Weeks

– Small Unit Tactics (SUT)
– Advanced Marksmanship
– Special Forces Common Skills
– Urban Operations
– Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE)
– Military Decision Making Process (MDMP)
– Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape (SERE)

MOS Training
16 Weeks

– 18 A: Detachment Officer Course
– 18 B: Weapons Sergeant
– 18 C: Engineer Sergeant
– 18 D: Medical Sergeant *
– 18 E: Communications Sergeant

* 18 D Medical Sergeants must complete the Special Operations Combat Medic (SOCM) Course as part of their training. Total medical training will be just over 1 year.

Robin Sage
4 Weeks

– UW Practicum
– Guerrilla Warfare
– Support of a Resistance Movement
– Air Operations
– Deliberate UW Mission Analysis and Planning
– SF Infiltration and Exfiltration Techniques
– Rapport Building
Negotiation and Mediation
– Advanced Special Operations Level 1 (PE)
– Language and Culture Application

Language and Culture
25 Weeks

– CAT 1 & 2:
French, Indonesian-Bahasa, Spanish.
– CAT 3 & 4:
Arabic, Chinese-Mandarin, Dari, Korean, Pashto, Persian-Farsi, Russian, Tagalog, Thai, and Urdu
– Control of Interpreters
– Progressive PT Program

Graduation and MFF
5 Weeks

– Regimental Indoctrination
– Operational Group Assignment
– Introduction to Group Command Team
– Individual Academic Achievement Awards
– Award of the Special Forces Tab and “Green Beret”
– Credentialed as an SF Officer or NCO
– Military Free Fall Parachutist Course (4 weeks)